Just as principalities
and powers on earth are also in, or next to heaven; so does the righteousness
Jesus won for us. We have been decreed righteous based on His righteousness.
Our acceptance of Him as our savior and our righteousness; creates a filter.
The completed work of Christ on the cross and His resurrection is that filter.
We are saved by faith in Christ and in His redemptive work.

All guilt and
wretchedness Jesus absorbed along with the wrath of God, which falls on all
evildoing from which come many problems. We have misinterpreted those problems
attributing their cause to a second evil god. On one hand we behave like the
lost in huge maze of deities pagans supposing that we please the Almighty when
we blame the enemy for all evils. And on the other hand we exempt ourselves
from all responsibility having nothing to repent for. If there were the third hand
it would be this: as a result we drifted away from having a living relationship
with God for we have made and embraced our own theology.
What Jesus had done
physically on earth it spiritually reflected on the heavenly side (next to us).
All principalities and (governmental) powers on earth have their counterparts
in the spiritual sphere (Romans 13:1). Hence, the kings of Persia were able to
retain the man in linen in the Book of Daniel (Dan. 10:13). By understanding
these facts we also understand that Christ’s done work on earth is being
reflected in heaven. Therefore, both good and evil is being reflected, but only
one is being covered—those who are IN Christ, His siblings.
Additionally, Jesus is
our intercessor filtering anything displeasing to God, but why? – So that we might
have grace, space during which time the Holy Spirit teaches and guides us into
all truth. Once this knowledge is established we then gradually conform to the
image of Christ who is God’s image also. In view of this understanding Jesus
said in Matthew 5:48 that we ought to be perfect as the heavenly Father is
[2 Corinthians 4:4] in
whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so
that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is
the image of God.
[Romans 8:29] For
those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren.
[Ephesians 2:4-6] But
God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, [5]
even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), [6]
and raised us up with Him, and seated us
with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
It is better to be seated with
Christ than be seated alone.
Christ is the
Firstborn and not the only begotten Son. He is not God the Father, but the
image, reflection, and to us He is the prefect representation of God’s glory
(Hebrews 1:3) the exact representation of God’s nature. Since He is the First-born
among many brothers; hence, sons also then quite naturally so we are His siblings.
Jesus was born and brought forth. We were born and brought forth. We attain to His glory as Jesus had attained to the Father’s glory. The same equipment He came to earth with can be ours minus the cross, suffering and dying. When we die to self resurrection is for us also.
[Matthew 16:25] For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
[Mark 10:31] But many who are first will be last, and the last, first.
[John 8:51] Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he will never see death.
Jesus was born and brought forth. We were born and brought forth. We attain to His glory as Jesus had attained to the Father’s glory. The same equipment He came to earth with can be ours minus the cross, suffering and dying. When we die to self resurrection is for us also.
[Matthew 16:25] For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
[Mark 10:31] But many who are first will be last, and the last, first.
[John 8:51] Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he will never see death.
The heart pumps blood
containing the living soul. Therefore, the heart pumps emotions, feelings,
strong and weak, good and evil. Whatever your habit may be in that habit you
will find guilt emotions. Blood mans life. It contains earthly elements, minerals, metals, vitamins and nutrients; and spiritual elements: inspiration, gifts, spiritual thoughts with inventions, artistic abilities, love, altruism, peace and joy. But it also reflects their opposites: hate, condemnation, sin, perversions, evil imaginations, malice, envies etc., these emanate from human soul and pass through your blood. So what kind of blood does the Creator see?
Besides seeing it all as in a mirror of your blood; things may be are turn-offs or an attraction. Hence, He draws near to the humble; who makes room for Him and for His ways; and is repelled by the conceited and proud.
[James 4:8] Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
[Numbers 14:24] But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully...
Besides seeing it all as in a mirror of your blood; things may be are turn-offs or an attraction. Hence, He draws near to the humble; who makes room for Him and for His ways; and is repelled by the conceited and proud.
[James 4:8] Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
[Numbers 14:24] But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully...
God had the best plan, but fear of the unknown stole trust. We can deepen our trust by learning more, by digging deeper, by investigating, and not just by blind believing. If we don't, guilt lurks within the darkened with ignorance soul; ready to leap out at most unexpected moments.
[Numbers 14:28] But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive out of those men who went to spy out the land.
All people had died except these two who had a different spirit. They did not give into their fears. They trusted God and their leader Moses who knew God and gave them His word. That takes self-discipline and some work. Today we know that it is the number one fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23) and all the other fruits follow then.
Joshua and Caleb chose well,the rest chose guilt in which they died. The ex-slaves remained slaves in their old unbroken psyche. They were unwilling to rise above ignorance, but remained in the old form of thinking.
Today we have so many people who fear the fresh and the new God sends their way through different vessels. Due to competition and pride (only among hirelings) others label them as false. That's what the ex-slaves did with the NEW WORD of God given to them through Moses. In their eyes Moses was false and God's liberating Word was false. The result was a big turn-off, so big that although God dwelled among them, they did not possess the Promised Land. One by one they died; still wearing shoes and clothes that never got worn out. They died but not from a disease; for their bodies were healthy; they died from stubborn pride. So what was really blocking them? The answer is this: the inability to repent and change. Only the new can change something old. But when the old blocks anything new; death follows. Repetitious traditions and daily routine can make you rigid and stubborn. This is indeed a powerful force. Guilt can also be vindictive and it confuses true freedom with bondage. The old bondage wields the upper hand when allowed, but it contains death.
Jesus rebuked those who loved traditions with which they altered God's commandments. The traditions of the elders were more important then the always fresh, living and moving Word Of God.
The glory of exodus faded away and the miracles. The people fell back into the old sentiments of guilt, which only slaves carry.
Guilt is put on us since babyhood. We hear it from fairytales, and from religion with its original sin (in Christianity; in Judaism there is no original sin doctrine). Each slave-master's crack of whip creates guilt. A girl gets raped and she feels guilty. Victims feel guilty although they should not, yet they do. It is in the oppressor's interest to keep guilt alive with which he or she binds another human being. God sees it all and turns His face away in disgust. I feel His heart and He feels mine. I am pleasing to Him and this witness I already have inside me.
[John 5:39-42] You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; [40] and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. [41] I do not receive glory from men; [42] but I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves.
[John 8:36] So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
Moses came to make the slaves free, Elijah and all the prophets. Finally Yeshua came to proclaim liberty and open prison doors and make you truly free. Together with My elder brother Yeshua I say the same. You may search for sources assuming that I draw from those sources, that you might draw from them all by yourself; and are unwilling to come to me. Yet, I am the one sent to you to make you free.
Against the old canvas the new seems false, but such declarations come from insecurity. Peter walked on water when he obeyed the word of Jesus "come", but when he shifted his attention to wind and the threatening waves he sunk. Fear and guilt go hand in hand.
To the disciples Jesus' walking on water was brand new. They never saw it before. All they knew was boat, nets and fish. Yet Peter was hungry for the new and asked the master to to tell him to come. No problem. "come" Jesus said, and on that single word Peter walked. It was all too new and too fresh, not well established by a stale repetitious religion.
I was challenged too and I knew that I will be accused of falsehood, yet I trusted and stepped out of the wobbly boat of man's traditions. I am still walking on that one single word "come."
Guilt arises when your routine thinking is broken and you have to do something different from that which you are used to. Your thinking pattern orders behavior.
God had the best plan, but fear of the unknown stole trust. We can deepen our trust by learning more, by digging deeper, by investigating, and not just by blind believing. If we don't, guilt lurks within the darkened with ignorance soul; ready to leap out at most unexpected moments.
[Numbers 14:28] But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive out of those men who went to spy out the land.
All people had died except these two who had a different spirit. They did not give into their fears. They trusted God and their leader Moses who knew God and gave them His word. That takes self-discipline and some work. Today we know that it is the number one fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23) and all the other fruits follow then.
Joshua and Caleb chose well,the rest chose guilt in which they died. The ex-slaves remained slaves in their old unbroken psyche. They were unwilling to rise above ignorance, but remained in the old form of thinking.
Today we have so many people who fear the fresh and the new God sends their way through different vessels. Due to competition and pride (only among hirelings) others label them as false. That's what the ex-slaves did with the NEW WORD of God given to them through Moses. In their eyes Moses was false and God's liberating Word was false. The result was a big turn-off, so big that although God dwelled among them, they did not possess the Promised Land. One by one they died; still wearing shoes and clothes that never got worn out. They died but not from a disease; for their bodies were healthy; they died from stubborn pride. So what was really blocking them? The answer is this: the inability to repent and change. Only the new can change something old. But when the old blocks anything new; death follows. Repetitious traditions and daily routine can make you rigid and stubborn. This is indeed a powerful force. Guilt can also be vindictive and it confuses true freedom with bondage. The old bondage wields the upper hand when allowed, but it contains death.
Jesus rebuked those who loved traditions with which they altered God's commandments. The traditions of the elders were more important then the always fresh, living and moving Word Of God.
The glorious exit from Egypt became old. The entry into Canaan was new.
The glory of exodus faded away and the miracles. The people fell back into the old sentiments of guilt, which only slaves carry.
Guilt is put on us since babyhood. We hear it from fairytales, and from religion with its original sin (in Christianity; in Judaism there is no original sin doctrine). Each slave-master's crack of whip creates guilt. A girl gets raped and she feels guilty. Victims feel guilty although they should not, yet they do. It is in the oppressor's interest to keep guilt alive with which he or she binds another human being. God sees it all and turns His face away in disgust. I feel His heart and He feels mine. I am pleasing to Him and this witness I already have inside me.
[John 5:39-42] You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; [40] and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. [41] I do not receive glory from men; [42] but I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves.
[John 8:36] So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
Moses came to make the slaves free, Elijah and all the prophets. Finally Yeshua came to proclaim liberty and open prison doors and make you truly free. Together with My elder brother Yeshua I say the same. You may search for sources assuming that I draw from those sources, that you might draw from them all by yourself; and are unwilling to come to me. Yet, I am the one sent to you to make you free.
Against the old canvas the new seems false, but such declarations come from insecurity. Peter walked on water when he obeyed the word of Jesus "come", but when he shifted his attention to wind and the threatening waves he sunk. Fear and guilt go hand in hand.
To the disciples Jesus' walking on water was brand new. They never saw it before. All they knew was boat, nets and fish. Yet Peter was hungry for the new and asked the master to to tell him to come. No problem. "come" Jesus said, and on that single word Peter walked. It was all too new and too fresh, not well established by a stale repetitious religion.
I was challenged too and I knew that I will be accused of falsehood, yet I trusted and stepped out of the wobbly boat of man's traditions. I am still walking on that one single word "come."
Guilt arises when your routine thinking is broken and you have to do something different from that which you are used to. Your thinking pattern orders behavior.
All of us were born in
respective countries, which were formed by history. Nationalism plays a large
role in the way our psyche is formed. Our parents pass on to us their mentality
through language, paternal and maternal behavior, which they have also
Breaking out from these configurations is like breaking out from any confines. This we often see in the nonconformist behaviors of teenagers. They broadcast to us that there must be something new, progressive and better than the old beaten paths. We call it rebellion because we do not like it, but we were once quite the same way; only that we have conformed and became set in our ways. Teenagers are about to either choose something dying or something newly born. Every new generation carries the seeds of innovation in every sector of human life.
Breaking out from these configurations is like breaking out from any confines. This we often see in the nonconformist behaviors of teenagers. They broadcast to us that there must be something new, progressive and better than the old beaten paths. We call it rebellion because we do not like it, but we were once quite the same way; only that we have conformed and became set in our ways. Teenagers are about to either choose something dying or something newly born. Every new generation carries the seeds of innovation in every sector of human life.
The older we get the
closer to the sunset of our days we come. Teenagers just entered the world of
the rising sun. We see their behavior as being wrong and reckless, disorderly
and troublesome for we have always sought peace. We assume that the traditional
way carries peace, while the new way is volatile and therefore unwelcome. That
is the basic psychology. But is that true or false? It is false because it is
an artificial sense of peace, which can be easily abolished.
We are admonished to
make peace and seek peace. It is God’s Word to us; hence, His kind of peace
(John 14:27). We make peace after we receive peace. Imagine yourself standing
under a rock from which water drops on your hands and splashes off to the
person standing in front of you. You have received water from the rock you
stand under; and you give it to the one standing next to you. This water is
God’s peace. You receive it first and then you give it to others. You are a
The same is with
faith. You receive it for someone else and thus you pass on the gift of faith.
Just as it is in growing economy the exchange of money makes it expend; God’s
gift of faith fills every open vessel and so the overall economy grows. God’s
Kingdom expands this way.
The world possesses
not, nor can ever give us this kind of peace. Therefore most of our set ways
are embraced in the name of peace of our own imagination. Guilt comes when this
artificial peace is disturbed; and all sorts of dislikes surface. This Golden Cow or Dagon has been disturbed, but who disturbed it? The answer is—God, but
through whom? Again, the answer is—through your children. All idols must totter
and eventually fall and the sooner we let them fall the better.
Guilt also arises when
nationalistic sentiments are being touched in any way. E.g., enlarging your
views beyond those of your own language and country.
getting angry over the same thing
having the same argument over the same things
eating and drinking the same thing, wearing the same clothes
to sleep at the same time with the same habit of eating or drinking
the same prayers with the same expressions
the same repetitious sermons
being open for anything new because of the love of tradition
Religious stagnation stops
spiritual progress and the deeper knowledge of God, His ways and therefore the
transforming power.
God’s power brings something fresh and unprecedented, otherwise
the power does not need to come.
Guilt emotions are the
worst, for they pack and clot the arteries of your soul and of your entire
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