, by brightlight

Diese ungewöhnliche Überschrift mag merkwürdig für dich klingen, doch wenn du tiefer gräbst, wird es möglicherweise aufhören so seltsam zu klingen. Gott kann begeistert werden. Diese Begeisterung ist geistlich und wird FÜLLE DER FREUDE genannt. Jesus war derart begeistert, als Er sagte: [Johannes 15,11] „Dies habe ich zu euch geredet, damit meine Freude in euch bleibe und eure Freude völlig werde.“ Es war keine natürliche Begeisterung von lediglich physischen Sinnen, sondern höchst geistlich.

Die Biologie bestimmt das Leben auf der Erde, doch gibt es ein Leben ohne Gehäuse (Hebräisch, Kleepoth, Schale)? Dieses Leben ist Gott der Geist, welches Er nur an ein Volk weitergegeben hat – den Juden. Keine andere Nation auf der Erde weiß etwas davon, so wie niemand weiß was NESHAMAH bedeutet. Ich habe dieses großartige Geheimnis die meiste Zeit meines Lebens geschützt und Gott erfreut sich an diesen Schleiern innerhalb von Schleiern, so wie REHAM (Hebräisch für Mutterleib) ist; das Stammwort ist RAHAM (Hebräisch, liebevolles Erbarmen), was kein Ende hat. Ja, diese liebevollen Erbarmungen sind unaufhörlich, ja in der Tat endlos.

[Johannes 4,20-24] „Unsere Väter haben auf diesem Berg angebetet und ihr sagt, in Jerusalem sei der Ort, wo man anbeten soll.“ Jesus spricht zu ihr: „Frau, glaube Mir, es kommt die Stunde, wo ihr weder auf diesem Berg noch in Jerusalem den Vater anbeten werdet. Ihr betet an, was ihr nicht kennt; wir beten an, was wir kennen, denn das Heil kommt aus den Juden. Aber die Stunde kommt und ist schon da, wo die wahren Anbeter den Vater im Geist und in der Wahrheit anbeten werden; denn der Vater sucht solche Anbeter. Gott ist Geist, und die Ihn anbeten, müssen Ihn im Geist und in der Wahrheit anbeten.“

Lasst uns diese Worte Stück für Stück zerlegen und nur die geistlichen Vitamine und Mineralien, die für unser geistliches Wohlergehen notwendig sind, entnehmen.

1. Die Frau spricht über Orte der Anbetung. Die Samariter beteten Gott am Berg Garizim und die Juden am Berg Morija an, was Jerusalem ist. ÄUSSERLICHE ORTE.

2. Jesus antwortete ihr, indem Er sagt, dass Orte Gott nie begeisterten und auch nie begeistern werden, denn das hat Gott nur in Seinem erlaubenden Willen zugelassen und nicht in Seinem vollkommenen Willen für uns. Dies sind nur unvollkommene religiöse Zentren von menschlicher Hingabe zu Gott, welche all zu oft nur das Lebendige, Lebhafte und Wahre verdecken. KEINE ÄUSSERLICHEN ORTE KÖNNEN WAHRHAFTIG DEN VATER ANBETEN (Die Christen haben ihre eigene Theologie, nach der sie Jesus anbeten, geschaffen, doch die Juden beten nur den Vater an.)

3. Die Samariter beteten an, was sie (auch jetzt noch) nicht kennen, doch (hier ist der Kern des Ganzen); die Juden beten an was SIE KENNEN, denn das Heil kommt aus den Juden und Jesus war ein Jude. Wenn du Jesus von Seinem Volk heraushebst, schaffst du deine eigene Theologie, in welcher du leicht verloren gehen kannst, und genau das sind viele. Das Paket der Errettung, das Heil ist jüdisch.

4. Der Vater sucht nicht (wird begeistert oder erfreut sich an) Religion (äußerliche Orte; oft im Wettstreit mit anderen religiösen Plätzen), sondern will im Geist, oder geistlich gemäß der himmlischen Wahrheit, und nie nach einer eigenen geschaffenen Theologie, Interpretationen von einem oder anderen religiösen Lager, angebetet werden.

5. Gott ist Geist. [4.Mose 4,15-16] „So bewahrt nun eure Seelen wohl, weil ihr keinerlei Gestalt gesehen habt an dem Tag, als der Herr aus dem Feuer heraus mit euch redete auf dem Berg Horeb, damit ihr nicht verderblich handelt und euch ein Bildnis macht in der Gestalt irgend eines Götzenbildes, das Abbild eines männlichen oder weiblichen Wesens.“ Im dem Moment, wo wir Bildnisse, Prozessionen gebrauchen und genaue Formen der Anbetung darlegen, weichen wir von der wahren Anbetung Gottes ab. Äußerliche Show ist unnötig, doch wenn jemand danach bedarf oder es wünscht, wird Gott es erlauben, so lange diese Show auf die innere Anbetung Gottes hinweist. 

Die innere Anbetung, Hingabe und Verehrung mit Dankbarkeit erweckt wahrhaftig Gott den Geist. Das ist das wahre innerer Feuer, entfacht von Gottes Heiligem Geist.

Zwei Wörter sind in diesem Zusammenhang sehr wichtig: SUCHT und MUSST. Der Vater sucht solche Anbeter. Er sucht dich, mein lieber Freund, wenn du von der von Ihm erlaubten äußerlichen Dummheit in die innere geistliche Ekstase wechselst. Wenn du mit deinem Vater verschmelzen möchtest, dann gibt es keinen anderen Weg, sondern du MUSST Ihn in deinem inneren Geist des Lebens anbeten, welcher dein gesamtes Wesen belebt.

[Apostelgeschichte 17,28] „In Ihm leben wir und bewegen uns und sind wir.“

Wie lange? – Für immer.

Ursprünglich handeln Israel und besonders die Juden mit NESHAMAH, ein Wort, das bis zum heutigen Tage unübersetzbar bleibt.

[Jesaja 57,15] „Denn ich klage nicht für immer an, noch will ich für immer zürnen. Sonst müsste ihr Geist vor mir vergehen und ihre NESHAMAH (Atem), die ich erschuf.“

Als Mose die Tora an SHAVUOT (Pfingsten) in Form von zwei Steintafeln empfing, kam damit auch die zusätzliche Seele (NESHAMAH). Das sechste Gebot – den Shabbat-Tag heilig halten, anders und abgesondert von allen anderen Tagen – ist eigentlich das siebte (wenn man so wie bei der Jakobsleiter von hinten nach vorne liest).  

Diejenigen, die NESHAMAH haben, empfangen auch den Heiligen Geist, welcher am 50. Tag nach dem Passahfest, der Kreuzigung und Auferstehung Christi zu uns kam. Die Anwesenden waren alle Juden, aus der ganzen Welt, und keine Samariter, Griechen, Deutschen oder Slawen. Diese Menschen – jetzt voll vom Heiligen Geist – kehrten zu ihren entsprechenden Ländern zurück, in denen sie wohnten. Das waren dieselben Leute, die später die Apostel in ihren Häusern willkommen hießen – die Menschen des Friedens.

[Matthäus 10,5-8] Diese zwölf sandte Jesus aus, gebot ihnen und sprach: „Begebt euch nicht auf die Straße der Heiden und betretet keine Stadt der Samariter; geht vielmehr zu den verlorenen Schafen des Hauses Israel. Geht aber hin, verkündigt und sprecht: 'Das Reich der Himmel ist nahe herbeigekommen!‘ Heilt Kranke, reinigt Aussätzige, weckt Tote auf, treibt Dämonen aus! Umsonst habt ihr es empfangen, umsonst gebt es!“

Ich mache das gleiche heute. Doch das heikle an der Sache ist, dass ich viele vortäuschenden Menschen, die nur ein religiöses Gewand eines Friedensstifters tragen, angetroffen habe. Diejenigen, welche sich in die Religion und in ihr Äußeres verliebt haben, verursachen oft irreführende Werke der Indoktrination und sind die gleichen welche Jesus angesprochen hatte: [Matthäus 23,27-28] „Wehe euch, ihr Schriftgelehrten und Pharisäer, ihr Heuchler, dass ihr getünchten Gräbern gleicht, die äußerlich zwar schön scheinen, inwendig aber voller Totengebeine und aller Unreinheit sind! So erscheint auch ihr äußerlich vor den Menschen als gerecht, inwendig aber seid ihr voller Heuchelei und Gesetzlosigkeit.

[Lukas 10,3-9] „(…) Wo ihr aber in ein Haus hineingeht, da sprecht zuerst: ‚Friede diesem Haus!‘ Und wenn dort ein Sohn des Friedens ist, so wird euer Friede auf ihm ruhen, wenn aber nicht, so wird er zu euch zurückkehren.“

Einen Menschen des Friedens zu finden macht Raum für das Göttliche.
„In demselben Haus aber bleibt und eßt und trinkt das, was man euch vorsetzt; denn der Arbeiter ist seines Lohnes wert. Geht nicht aus einem Haus ins andere. Und wenn ihr in eine Stadt kommt und sie euch aufnehmen, da eßt, was euch vorgesetzt wird; und heilt die Kranken, die dort sind, und sagt zu ihnen: ‚Das Reich Gottes ist nahe zu euch herbeigekommen!‘“

Ich habe Menschen des Friedens (die Friedenstifter) gefunden und blieb in ihren Häusern, Ich predigte und lehrte, heilte die Kranken und habe sogar Tote zum Leben erweckt. Aber ich habe auch solches angetroffen:

[Lukas 10,10-12] „Wenn ihr aber in eine Stadt kommt und sie euch nicht aufnehmen, da geht auf ihre Gassen hinaus und sprecht: ‚Auch den Staub, der sich aus eurer Stadt an uns gehängt hat, streifen wir ab gegen euch; doch sollt ihr wissen, daß das Reich Gottes nahe zu euch herbeigekommen ist!‘ Ich sage euch aber: Es wird Sodom an jenem Tag erträglicher gehen als dieser Stadt.“

An einige Orte werde ich nicht wieder zurückkehren und das Gericht wird auf viele fallen. Diejenigen, die angefangen haben mit mir zu arbeiten, mich zu lieben schienen, haben sich dann von mir entfernt und sogar gegen mich Stellung genommen; sie sind heute krank, gingen bankrott und starben an seltsamen Krankheiten. Ein Heide fürchtet sich vor solch einem Gefäß Gottes und hält ihn vom Teufel. Sie haben an das was sie glauben. Sie haben das was sie sagen. Sie haben Hand an Gottes Gesalbten gelegt und sind an ihrer eigenen Ignoranz gestorben, denn Aberglaube hat ihnen das wahre Wissen Gottes gestohlen; ihr Ort der göttlichen Inspiration fehlt – die NESHAMAH. Wenn sie jemanden, der vom Teufel gesandt wird, wünschen, dann haben sie den Teufel und so erfreuen sie sich an ihrer zu-Fall-verdammten Selbstgerechtigkeit.

Es gibt nicht nur einen Tag des Gerichtes, sondern viele und sie beginnen an Rosch Haschana (jüdischer Neujahrstag) und dauern bis zum Passahfest an.

Was Gott wirklich begeistert ist das Wandeln mit Ihm, mehr als die Wegnahme. [1.Mose 5,24] „Henoch wandelte mit Gott, und er war nicht mehr, denn Gott hatte ihn hinweggenommen.“ Es ist das Wandeln MIT GOTT DEM GEIST auf dieser physischen Erde, was den Himmel wirklich begeistert. Sobald du hinweggenommen wirst, endet dein Wandeln. Um es anders auszudrücken: Es geht nicht so sehr darum, was ein Faxgerät überträgt und was das andere Gerät empfängt, sondern es geht um die Übertragung selbst. Gott geht es um den mit Information gefüllten Raum. All das besteht mit der Begeisterung des Lebens und das macht den Schöpfer extrem glücklich. Nur wegen dem alleine wird Gott deine Tage verlängern… unendlich.

Apostel Petrus konnte nur poetisch seinen Zustand ausdrücken, indem er sagte:

[1.Petrus 1,12] „(…) Was euch jetzt bekanntgemacht worden ist durch diejenigen, welche euch das Evangelium verkündigt haben im Heiligen Geist, der vom Himmel gesandt wurde — Dinge, in welche auch die Engel hineinzuschauen begehren.“ (Griechisch: Dinge, nach denen die Engel EPIQUMOUSIN, BEGEHREN, AM-EMPFINDEN sind oder DANACH VERLANGEN hineinzuschauen.)

Engel verlangen nicht und haben auch keine Begehren, weil sie geschaffene geistliche Wesen sind und keinen freien Willen haben. Um einen freien Willen zu haben, muss man physisch/biologisch geboren sein und von männlichem oder weiblichem Geschlechts sein.

EPIQUMOUSIN ist ein Begehren, Heiterkeit oder Freude, was Gott besitzt und was so machtvoll ist, dass nur Seine Söhne auf der Erde dies erfahren können, und nicht Engel. Dieses heilige Hochgefühl kommt zu uns, meist am Shabbat-Tag; deshalb ist es jüdisch oder judäisch präziser zu sein.

[Jesaja 5,7] „Denn das Haus Israel ist der Weinberg des Herrn der Heerscharen, und die Männer von Juda sind Seine Lieblingspflanzung.”

Jesus sagte: „Geht und sucht die verlorenen Schafe des Hauses Israels“, welche nun seit mehr als 3000 Jahren verloren sind. Juda besteht bis zum heutigen Tag und davon wird das Wort Jude abgeleitet. Das griechische Reich beeinträchtigte den monotheistischen jüdischen Gedanken und hat ihn massiv gefährdet. Es ist unsere Aufgabe den ursprünglichen Funken von NESHAMAH wiederzubeleben, eine Verbindung zwischen Gott und den Menschen. Diese Übertragung ist fantastisch und es überbringt herrlich wunderbare Dinge, welche von mir sind; und jetzt werden sie zu dir weitergegeben, wenn auch nur in Stücken. Es hängt alles davon ab, wie gut du deine NESHAMAH aktivierst. Du bist es, der dies als erstes macht und damit entzückst du deinen himmlischen Vater.

[Maleachi 4,7] „Kehrt (als erstes) um zu Mir, so will Ich Mich (folglich) zu euch kehren! spricht der HERR der Heerscharen. Aber ihr fragt: Worin sollen wir umkehren?

Wenn du die Zehn Gebote vom letzten zum ersten liest, wirst du auf den Shabbat-Tag als siebtes Gebot stoßen. Jesaja wusste gut über diese Lust bescheid und so sagte er:

[Jesaja 58, 13-14] „Wenn du am Sabbat deinen Fuß zurückhältst, daß du nicht an meinem heiligen Tag das tust, was dir gefällt; wenn du den Sabbat deine Lust nennst und den heiligen [Tag] des Herrn ehrenwert; wenn du ihn ehrst, so daß du nicht deine Gänge erledigst und nicht dein Geschäft treibst, noch nichtige Worte redest; dann wirst du an dem Herrn deine Lust haben; und ich will dich über die Höhen des Landes führen und dich speisen mit dem Erbe deines Vaters Jakob! Ja, der Mund des Herrn hat es verheißen.

Dieses Führen über die hohen Orte ist keineswegs physisch, sondern Gott führt sie durch die Neshamah herbei. Doch als erstes muss man sich entscheiden, diese Lust im Herrn zu aktivieren.

Encyclopaedia Judaica:
NESHAMAH YETERAH (Hebr. נְשָׁמָה יְתֵרָה, "zusätzliche Seele - Neshamah"), ein verbreiteter Glaube, dass jedem Juden vom Eintritt bis zum Ende des Shabbats eine zusätzliche Seele gegeben ist. Dieser Glaube entwickelte sich aus der Geschichte im Talmud (Beẓah 16a); „Resh Lakish sagte: 'Am Vorabend des Shabbats gibt Gott den Menschen eine zusätzliche (oder erweiterte) Seele, und am Ende des Shabbats nimmt Er diese Seele von ihm zurück, denn es heißt: „Er stellte die Arbeit ein und ruhte“, sprich va-yinnafash (2.Mose 31,17): wenn er (der Schabbat) aufhört, dann ist die zusätzliche Seele verloren.'“

Ich stimme mit Resh Lakish nicht überein. Die Neshamah wird nie zurückgenommen, sondern ruht sozusagen, denn dann hört sie auf zu übertragen, inspirieren und kommunizieren, denn dann überragt das alltägliche Leben. Man vermischt keine gewöhnlichen Dinge mit geistlichen/kostbaren Dingen.

[Jeremia 15,19] „(…) Wenn du das Edle vom Unedlen scheidest, sollst du sein wie Mein Mund (Sprecher).“

Die äußerlichen Dinge werden schließlich aufhören uns zu beeinflussen, wenn wir letztendlich die Tatsache erfassen, dass der Vater Anbeter sucht, die Ihn im Geist und in der Wahrheit anbeten; ständig; und nicht nur am Shabbat. Der Heilige Geist wird der Geist der Wahrheit genannt. Wir leben wegen dem belebenden Geist des Lebens. Wenn unser Geist und unsere Neshamah zusammenarbeiten, ist das heilige Hochgefühl, die Freude beständig. Du kannst einschlafen und diese wunderbare Begeisterung bleibt bestehen. Du erfährst es in der Nacht und am Morgen, wenn du aufwachst. (Jedenfalls ist es bei mir der Fall).

Gott erfreut sich nicht an deinem Tod oder an der Wegnahme, so wie es mit Henoch oder Elia geschah, sondern Er erfreut sich vor allem an der Übertragung und der Verbreitung von Seinem Königreich. Philippus reiste ‘superschnell’, denn der Auftrag war groß. Aber Menschen wie Phillipus gab es zu wenige und das ist warum Gott auf die Familie von Phillipus den Geist der Prophezeiung verschwendete, welcher durch die Neshamah übertragen wird.

[Apostelgeschichte 21,8-9] (…) Wir gingen in das Haus des Evangelisten Philippus, der einer von den Sieben war, und blieben bei ihm. Dieser hatte vier Töchter, Jungfrauen, die weissagten.

[Psalms 37,4] Und habe deine Lust am HERRN, so wird er dir geben, was dein Herz begehrt!

Niemand anders, als ein Jude kann von dieser Lust sprechen. Gott liebt es das Verborgene aufzudecken und dann verbirgt Er es abermals, hin und her, aber jedes Mal wird die Vision neuer und klarer. Dieses hin und her erfreut Ihn. Einen Juden unter Nichtjuden zu verbergen war auch Sein Plan. Das Entdecken der Neshamah in dir ist eine Entdeckung, die einer völligen Aufmerksamkeit wert ist. Denn du könntest ein verlorenes Schaf aus dem Hause Israels sein, dass jetzt gefunden worden ist.

Zum Schluss: Die Selbst-Nullifizierung ist von höchster Wichtigkeit. Dein biologisches Fleisch klammert sich an seinesgleichen und sucht eine Selbst-Definition. Alles Materielle wird sein Ende finden, doch das passiert, weil sich nur das biologische Wesen daran hängt. Doch wenn die geistlichen Inhalte die Oberhand in allem übernehmen, dann müssen sich das Biologische oder Natürliche dem Geist anpassen. Diese willentliche Trennung und Übersetzung von Gefühlen zu erhabenen göttlichen Gedanken lässt dich zu einem anderen Wesen werden. Die Neshamah fängt an wie eine Uhr zu ticken und dann beginnt die Umwandlung dein Wahrnehmungsvermögen zu steigern. Du beginnst dich zu verändern.

Viele von euch erleben diese Umwandlung bereits, seit wir uns getroffen haben. Es dauerte eine Zeit, doch die Freude, die du hast, ist unbestreitbar und dadurch weißt du, dass der Vater in mir ist und ich in dir, denn allmählich hört das Selbst auf eine Rolle zu spielen. Diese heilige Begeisterung wird nicht aufhören, denn ich bin Sein Jünger, du bist mein Jünger und wir werden vom Geist Gottes geleitet, von dem wir geboren werden sollen und wie der Wind werden. Dann kann niemand mehr einen Finger an dich legen, oder dich zu einem veralteten religiösen Käfig von Dummköpfen und Idioten ziehen und dich damit definieren. Du hast dann die innere Kirche 24/7.

Das war eine freie Weisheit – a free wisdom – für heute.
Übersetzt von Katrin Schwarz


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, by brightlight

[Excerpt] Knowing God's judgment is greatly beneficial. God uses the appointed seasons to judge. One of those seasons is Rosh Hashanah. Those unfamiliar with Leviticus 23 should understand God's judgments, seasons of repentance and rejoicing. The Creator's clock never stopped ticking, is not late nor stops, or is too fast. 

[Excerpt] Man has a bug that makes him do all sorts of naughty things to the Truth. Conscientious and honest investigation of the Truth manifests the fruit of love. If we do not repent (Hebrew SHOOV, which means to turn back), get to the point of our deviation from the Truth; then the impending judgment will be wholly just. We already know the point of deviation; so let those who gave us errors turn in their graves. We do not build on man and his speculations. What matters is not the dead, regardless of their former hierarchical authority, within an organized religion, or rank of distinction. What matters is only the Truth. As an act of our love and care we should not brood in empty beliefs just because upon these the church was built. If we do not honestly show any affection for our Creator and His Truth, but instead hold on and therefore love the formulation of our own theology then the impending judgment will be indeed severe. God cannot judge ignorance. Nonetheless, ignorance does its own work of destruction because of sloth.

[Excerpt] When you understand the complete mission of Jesus for which He had to suffer so much; you will also understand why He rejoices. It pleases Him when His siblings bestow love and appreciation upon their brother Jesus who, so to speak, extended God’s family through His coming and His sacrifice. That’s what the Heavenly Father wanted.

[Excerpt] There will come a time when no malice will be found in you, no sin, no crookedness; because you will find it all utterly foolish and futile. You will keep your soul obedient to the knowledge you have received. All that follows is self-discipline. You do not battle nor combat the (external) enemy, for Satan is not your enemy, nor is he God’s; despite the way he’s been portrayed. After you have left Satan, or even the devil to God to deal with, you will concentrate on maturity. You do not waste time on nonexistent battles. Flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit; let your spirit win. By seeking peace and rest in your heavenly Father as His firstborn Son taught you; you are actually extinguishing any flaming darts. You actually bypass judgment and eventually arrive. The final arrival is this: by overcoming the things that bring retribution, judgment and death you arise (Isaiah 60:1-3); as if to say, you ride upon a high cloud. Retribution, judgment and death are below you while you are above. You have nothing to do with judgment for you have already now effectively dealt with it. This is the Truth, which now has been further amplified for you.


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, by brightlight

From whichever angle we look at life, cosmos, nature or humanity as a whole; one fact cannot escape us and that is the wonder.

Let’s look at those living organisms that make us ill. We take a disease in order to defeat it. That’s what immunization is. Vaccines strengthen our immune system. Like troops getting ready for combat the white cells in our body are training their brains; figuring out the invader’s tactics. In a similar way it is with anti-venoms, which are made from actual snake venoms. Once the body puts a up fight it build resistance to that one particular deadly poison. Snake handlers have been bitten several times and they are okay, but there might be one serpent that has a different venom. If that intruder bites and the snake handler has not build immunity for that particular kind; he or she may die. Anti-venom antidote works only for one particular specie.

Speaking of anti-venoms: did you know that the earlier types of insulin were derived from pigs and cows. Does the consumption of pork and beef has anything to do with diabetes? 

Imagine, our body can combat all diseases in existence, and as long as it knows what it combats it wins. Ignorance cannot defend you, a blind belief won’t either. You must know the invader and its kind; only then the human white cells (the same goes for all animals) create a formidable defense against it. How do they do it? This is amazing.

The white cells do the guesswork first. Once they know the invader’s kind they split into two cells; the second cell contains the memory bank or the brain. It is like the Internet. You make a page, which contains a general information, but if you want to know more you link it to another page. And if you want to go deeper still, and want to enforce or execute that acquired knowledge; then you have to download the information into your—in this case—immune system.The white cells in our body draw from what they have stored in the memory bank and then outsmart the illness-causing invader. Each time you get exposed to the same virus, or bacteria, your immune system knows what it is and how to act. Anything foreign, yet not processed by the white cells, remains in a state of a guesswork. During that time one may be ill.

Instead of examining our immune system’s power—the actual defenses of our bodies—we rush to medicine, pills and injections, and God forbid… surgeries. Cutting our bodies is not the way to go. Lack of knowledge prevents us from knowing the inner forces of our organisms; therefore, operations are sometimes necessary. But that is an acute types of emergencies.         

There is no personified evil. We call violence, murders, and thefts as being evil, and then we seek another behind such actions to blame. We wonder and rush to ask questions like, why this and why that, and who is behind it? We do that with evildoing, but have a hard time doing the same thing with the good.

We take credit for doing good, but seem hesitant taking credit, and responsibility for any evildoing. Is it our mind that plays tricks on us, or we make our mind choose what it wants to believe in? Who is the “I?” Is it corrupt and we keep on excusing it, or is it good, but we compromise? We want to fit in. We are community oriented people, but if the society badly influences you and the “I” compromises just to fit in; then it will fall into the trap of the blaming game. Religion is best known for this. It is convenient and self-suiting, but destructive. It destroys braincells by making the neurons lazy. It minimizes the powers of cognizance. Mystification of anything is detrimental to the human being. A blind belief in the mystery of a sacrament; and doing something accordingly; is detrimental for it stalls progress; and eventually it breeds bigotry and fanaticism.      

If evil is behind evil actions and the good is not behind good actions, then we chose confusion as if on purpose. One is of the devil and the other of God, would be the common logic, but all things come God, even the human free will and free choices in life.

[Deuteronomy 32:39] ‘See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me; it is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, and there is no one who can deliver from My hand. [Isaiah 45:6-7] I am the LORD, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the LORD who does all these.

There are forces that trigger calamities and termination of life. We must know the reasons behind all that befalls us.

We come to the point of godhood when we assume responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

In religion, it is repeatedly said that Adam and Eve sinned, but did they? Is transgression a sin? Is there a difference? Sin is an injury and the way of pain, but transgression is like getting a ticket for speeding or for parking a car in a wrong spot. The penalties are usually monetary. They may hurt your pocketbook, but are they sins?

In Religion Adam and Eve became the first fallen creatures because Eve had listened to the tempter Satan. If that was not enough; man’s inquisitiveness drove him even further; to discover the root cause of evil. From this wild goose-chase came Lucifer and fallen angels. The original sin and philosophical explanation of evil, sickness and death.

Imagine the same now with the Good God, fallen but the good angels. Instead of Lucifer falling down to earth, from which planet we do not know; so let’s imagine that it was God who came down to earth. I think that we would not know what to do with Him and with these thoughts. You may say that God did come to earth as Jesus, but with Jesus also came Satan, the devil and demons. It is all in the New Testament, but why?

Jesus supposedly defeated the author of death, Satan, but Satan is still around, although defeated, of which we must constantly remind ourselves, lest we forget.

First of all, heaven encompasses all things in existence, all galaxies, planets the earth included. So God is already on the earth. No one knows Satan, there is no book, like the Bible, where Satan speaks with humans, as God did in the Bible. Therefore, personification of evil is really a psychological impairment. However, it can be fixed.

It was God who sent the tempter to the Garden of Eden and He Himself planned it. For Adam and Eve were not yet ready for a communion with God. The free will and the ability to choose make for partnership and fellowship. But this was not yet then. It was created in Eve, but later, and then the fruit became desirable. The desire was created and then came the consequences. When Adam ate the fruit then, he also created another reality. In this way cognizance was created and that was a practical application of knowledge.

This new knowledge made the pair aware of their nakedness. Then they looked upon the consequences of their transgression and learned something brand new for the very first time. Those were those speeding and parking tickets, for which they had to pay. And they did. But God did not stop reaching out to them, did He?

After the expulsion Adam and Eve were capable of reaching for the other fruit from the Tree of Life, which was close proximity to the Tree of Knowledge (good and bad) of the opposites. Having the sense of contrasts always leads to either good, or bad choices.

Time has elapsed. In the seventh generation after Adam, Enoch kept making the right choices until he overcame the most hideous disease called death. For him the blame game stopped and that was big of Enoch. Others were not so big, they kept the blame game on.

When you deal with death, then you must know that you can conquer it, or it will conquer you. You can only do that with the right choices. That mechanism is already in you. Vaccines work on the same premise. Our bodies have the built-in mechanism, which speaks louder than any words. Our immune system strengthens and builds up a resistance to any death-causing disease. As our bodies overcome an invader, like polio, our immune system overwhelms it. Quite naturally so it creates a barrier against it.

If blaming something, or someone else, is easier, than that is your choice too, but remember that it leads to death. 


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, by brightlight

The so-called dark matter is not a matter at all. That it is invisible is linked to the fact that the physical human eye cannot detect it. Jesus said in John 3:8 that the wind blows and you see its effects but can’t control it. You do not actually know where it comes from and where it goes, but it is there. We feel the gentle breeze or its very strong force that can tear down everything in its path. It can even flip cars in the air. We took advantage of air and we study its ways. We fly heavy machines across the oceans. We dare the impossible. Yet, when it comes to the study of the spiritual realm that department of study we leave in enclosures of religion.

Perhaps no one else is as qualified as I am, to speak about this very close to me realm. I hear God speak because after I do the humanly impossible the miraculous happens. God does not talk constantly. He is not a big talker. Some people are not ready nor willing to hear God and much less obey Him. As it was the case in the Book of Jeremiah (42) where the people affirmed their commitment by saying, “We will listen to the voice of the LORD our God.” Ten days later Jeremiah confirms the same message as before. Yet, the arrogant men said to Jeremiah, “You are telling a lie! The LORD our God has not sent you” (43:2-7) and did exactly the opposite what they pledged to do. So it is with many today. 

There is no excuse for ignorance regarding the ways of the Creator. 

I have seen the dead raised and the incurably ill instantly healed. 25 years later, these people live without the disease. God speaks through dreams, and through the spirit of life residing on the inside of my body. I have learned to obey His voice and did the incredible. I knew that I would be arrested, exiled or even killed. Yet, I heard from God telling me I would most certainly be delivered. And I was, supernaturally. Without obeying His voice, no one will know if His voice is real. Without a deep trust, no one would dare to do things that are seemingly impossible. Physically I have seen angels in my room, not in a vision or a dream, but on a sunny afternoon. I broke many taboos and dangerous lines for indeed man is but a mere dust. All that hoopla and human pompous authority can be overridden when you know God and are ready to obey Him. 

Dark matter is not at all dark. It is hidden to those who have sharpened but only their physical brains and not the spiritual mind. Just as no one can control me, not even God (He does not want to); I quite willingly submit to His will. And when I do the miraculous follows. I cannot turn up miracles on demand. That would be called temptation. Even provocation. If one could do miracles at will one would play but tricks of magic, of which Jesus was accused. It only happens when God wills and not when the vassal wills. And that in turn has to do with the right conditions on the ground. There are various laws that govern the hidden spiritual realm. I have learned from these laws. And when I see them coming together; then I know that a miracle is about to happen. 

God penetrates the visible matter from behind the veil of what we call the mysterious matter. These two realms, are intertwined and run in parallel. The spiritual realm which religion calls heaven is not some trillion of light-years away from us, but on the tip of each hair of your body. Problem? Yes, our problem is the fact that we have not learned to experience divinity on the one to one basis but only in groups and gatherings within the confines of religious establishments. 

We have grown accustomed to filter God through another man or woman, a human body with its apparatus of false and completely useless interpretations and empty beliefs. We feel nerves, physical touch and use but only the physical brain. 

I do not blame science for leaving God alone, for indeed, religion would interfere with the study of our universe. Nonetheless, today we know that the so-called dark matter is a fact. It is active, moving, living, vibrant and it holds all things together. 

The amazingly intelligent mind of God gives away but misleading signals to those who do not belong to Him. He makes it all look chaotic, explosive and dangerous. What He says is as follows: "Do not come close to me in your present state. I am too awesome for you."

Nonetheless, there is the gentle wind, the delicate breeze, which is mercy. This compassionate interceding for others attitude comes with peace and never in unrest. 

[Exodus 33:19] And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.” What He says is this: [2Samuel 22:26-27] with the kind You show yourself kind, with the blameless You show Yourself blameless; [27] with the pure You show Yourself pure, and with the perverted You show yourself astute. 

These are the laws that open and close the door to the kingdom of God; science calls “The Dark Matter.”


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, by brightlight

Do you know that the new wine is poured into a new wineskin, which is you. The Holy Spirit brings always the new and fresh.

Man binds God frees.

Did you know that: “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” - Jesus.


Because established man's dogmas become old and then die. Anyone brooding in them dies also. Only the fresh and moving lives.

"In Him we LIVE and MOVE and exist" (Acts 17:28).

Do you know heaven's geographical place? Which heaven are you planning to go to; that same place where Lucifer plotted and was kicked out, where rebellions and wars are possible? And if God makes new heaven and new earth then what guarantee do you have that yet another 'accidental' thing won't happen again?

Did you know that salvation is of the Jews - Jesus said (John 4:22). "You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews." If you pull Jesus out of the greater body of His people then your salvation may be incomplete?

And if you exclude Jews from your salvation then you stand on a wobbly foundation too.

What does it all mean?

“May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem" (Genesis 9:27). What is Shem's Tent? Who is Japheth (look it up) Javan - Greece, Europeans - Christians. In whose tent they should dwell and not in their own?

Did you know that God sacrificed His people Israel the Jew for you?

He bought the Filed (the world) for in it He found the hidden treasure.

God's Firstborn Son Yeshua (Jesus) laid His life down of His own will in obedience to the Father's commandment (Read John 10:16-17); He brings the other sheep to no other place but the same Jewish fold, which is a fulfillment of many prophecies.

"Did you know that it is the Jew the root that supports the Gentile Christian?"

Speaking of the Jew (Romans 11:16) "If the first piece of dough is holy, the lump is also; and if the root is holy, the branches are too."

Read further: "But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you." 

The church is arrogant by selfishly and very proudly interpreting the Jewish Bible by sending the Jew into tribulation as if brewing another Holocaust for him while Christians plan to go up in rapture, on the cloud... such are already on it.

Then fools teach you garbage about chief demons you must supposedly vigilant about etc. - It is then so easy to manipulate, give phony prophecies and bathe in man-made cesspool of vain imaginations.  Blind guides of the blind. Lost in their own tent of utter foolishness and nonsense giving you blind beliefs in something they know nothing about.

Did you know that there are three classes or types of people on this earth. The good seed, the field and the tares. The field can also be religious. The world's masses will perish and will be burned up instantly with the tares.

This Jew can enlarge your knowledge if you step into his tent. Your salvation will be sure. You will know where heaven is and who you really are.

Did you know that God has hired people for the harvest and calls them either hirelings or laborers, but He also has sons.

Which one are you?

Did you know that there are five steps leading to a complete freedom from man's nonsense and arrogance in which most Christians dwell, but do not know it?

Man always binds. God always frees. God's children do sense that there is something wrong and would like to be free, but their brains have been hijacked and taken for a spin. It's been so for quite a long time now so it hard to know the Truth, which is under wraps; lost in man's theology - vain imaginations.

If heaven is not pure and perfect then where is the perfect heaven with perfect God in it?

We tell the world that they will be really happy by accepting Jesus. The freshly cooked Christians then join a camp in which the hear about wrestling, fighting, spiritual upheavals, fear and doubts, Lucifers, Satans, devils, hell, Armageddon, heavenly wars, Apocalypse, death and then 'they' (those merciless ignorant idiots) tell you that by then you will be with Jesus on the cloud.

Where is the promised peace of John 14:27 - not of THIS world, then of which world? Where fallen angels had fallen from, so if they fell then it must be up somewhere in the sky, but fell down to where? So God wants you to war with the fallen ones and forget God because there is no time left for the study of God and His kingdom within us and amongst us down here on earth. 

What is one-third from an innumerable myriad? What idiot(s) do you follow?

Do the fallen angels sit on your shoulder?


The Holy Spirit of Truth explains same Bible and brings liberty. Freedom from what? From mans proud confusion and speculations just to bind and control.

Take five steps to freedom:
1. Believe in the Truth. 2. Continue. 3. Become disciple. 4. Know the Truth. 5. Be made totally free (John 8:31-32).

Are you hungry for more? There is much more.

Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he will never see death (John 8:51). Any kind of death.

The Lost truths reveled today, not yesterday nor tomorrow, but now.  



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, by brightlight

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, by brightlight

Was Gott Begeistert Deutsch
This unusual heading may sound strange to you, but perhaps when you dig deeper it will cease to sound peculiar. God gets excited. This excitement is spiritual, and it is called FULLNESS OF JOY. Jesus was thus exited when He said: [John 15:11] These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” 

It was not a natural excitement of just the physical senses, but highly spiritual. Biology rules life on earth, but is there life without enclosures (Hebrew, Kleepoth, shells)? This life is God the Spirit, which He passed through only one people – the Jew. No other nation upon the face of the earth knows anything about it, just as no one knows what NESHAMAH is. I have been shielding this great secret most of my life and God delights in these veils within veils and curtains within curtains just as REHAM (Hebrew for womb) is; for its root word is RAHAM (Hebr., tender mercies), which has no end. Yes, these tender mercies are endless for they are indeed eternal.

[John 4:20-24] “Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Let’s dissect these words piece by piece and extract only the spiritual vitamins and minerals that are essential to our spiritual wellbeing. 

1.     The woman talks about places of worship. Samaritans worshipped God on Mt. Gerizim and Jews on Mt. Moriah, which is Jerusalem. EXTERNAL PLACES.
2.     Jesus replies to her by saying that places have never excited God nor ever will for these God allowed in His permissive will and not the perfect will for us. These are only imperfect religious centers of man’s devotion to God, which too often only obscure the living, vibrant and true. NO EXTERNAL PLACES CAN TRULY WORSHIP THE FATHER. (Christians created their own theology according to which they worship Jesus, but Jews worship only the Father.)
3.     Samaritans worshiped something they (still) do not know, but (here is the core of it all); Jews worship that which they DO KNOW for salvation comes from the Jews, and Jesus was a Jew. When you single out Jesus out of the greater body of His people you make your own theology in which you can easily get lost, and many are. The salvation package is Jewish.
4.     The Father does not seek (get excited about or rejoices in) religion (external places; often in competition with other religious places), but in spirit, or spiritually and according to the heaven-sent truth and never according to a self-made theology, interpretations of one religious camp or another.
5.     God is Spirit. [Numbers 4:15-16] “So watch yourselves carefully, since you did not see any form on the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire, so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female.” The moment we employ images, processions and elaborate forms of worship we drift away from the true worship of God. External show is unnecessary, but if one needs it or wants it God will permit it as long as that show points to the inner worship of God.

The inner worship, surrender and adoration with thanksgiving truly arouse God the Spirit. This is the true inner fire sparked by God’s Holy Spirit.    

Two words are very important here: SEEKS and MUST. The Father seeks such worshipers. He seeks you my dear friend when you switch from the permitted by Him external foolishness into the inner spiritual ecstasy.  If you want to blend with your Father then there is no other way but you MUST worship Him in your inner spirit of life, which vivifies your entire being.

[Acts 17:28] “In Him we live, move, and exist.” 

How long? – Forever.

Originally, Israel and the Jew in particular, deals with NESHAMAH a word that remains untranslatable to this day.

[Isaiah 57:15] “For I will not contend forever, nor will I always be angry; for the spirit would grow faint before Me, and the NESHAMAH (breath) of those whom I have made.”

When Moses received the Torah on SHAVUOT (Pentecost) in form of two stone tablets with them also came the extra soul (NESHAMAH). The sixth commandment - to keep the Sabbath day holy, different and separate from all other days is actually the seventh (reading from the last first like Jacob’s ladder).

Those who have NESHAMAH also receive the Holy Spirit, which came to us on the 50th day after the Passover, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.  The attendants were all Jews, from all over the world, and not Samaritans, Greeks, Germans or Slavs. These men—now full of the Holy Spirit—returned to their respective countries of residence. These were the same men that later had welcomed the apostles into their homes the people of peace.

[Matthew 10:5-8] These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: “Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

I do the same today.  But the tricky thing is that I found a lot of pretenders wearing only a religious garb of a peacemaker. Those who fell in love with religion and its outward often misleading works of indoctrination, are the same ones Jesus addressed: [Matthew 23:27-8] “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
[Luke 10:3-9] “(…) Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.”

How important it is to find a man of peace first for such makes room for the divine.

“Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house. Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you; and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’”

I did find people of peace (the peacemakers) and I stayed in their houses, I preached, and taught, healed the sick and even raised the dead. But I also found these:

[Luke 10:10-12] “But whatever city you enter and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your city which clings to our feet we wipe off in protest against you; yet be sure of this, that the kingdom of God has come near.’ I say to you, it will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city.”

To some places I will not return and judgment falls on many. Those that started to work with me, appeared to love me then went away and even opposed me; are sick today, went bankrupt and died from strange diseases. A gentile is afraid of such a vessel of God deeming him as being of the devil. They have what they believe in. They have whatever they say. They have touched God’s anointed and die from their own ignorance, for superstition stole from them the true knowledge of God; their place of divine inspiration is lacking—the NESHAMAH. If they want someone sent by the devil then they have the devil and so they rejoice in their doomed-to-fall self-righteousness.

There is not just one day of judgment, but many and they start on Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New year) and they continue until Passover.

What really excites God is the walking with Him rather than the taking. [Genesis 5:24] “Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” It is the walking WITH GOD THE SPIRIT upon this physical earth that really excites the heavens. Once you are taken your walking has also stopped. To put it in another way: it is not so much what one fax machine transmits and what the other machine receives, but the transmission itself. The filled with information space is what God is after. All that passes passes with the excitement of life, which makes the Creator extremely happy. Just for that alone God will prolong your days… indefinitely. 

Apostle Peter could only poetically express this state by saying, 

[1Peter 1:12] “(…) Now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things into which angels long to look.” (Greek: which things the angels EPIQUMOUSIN, DESIRE, ARE-ON-FEELING or YEARNING to look into.) 

Angels do not yearn and have no desires because they are created spiritual beings having no free will. In order to have free-will one must be physically/biologically born and belong to either masculine or feminine gender.  

EPIQUMOUSIN is a desire, exhilaration or delight, which God has and which is so powerful that only His sons on earth can experience and not angels. This holy elation comes to us for the Sabbath day also; therefore it is Jewish or Judean to be more precise. 

[Isaiah 5:7] “For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah His delightful plant.”

Jesus said, “Go and seek the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel,” which have been lost for almost 3000 years now. Judah survived to this very day from which the word Jew is derived. The Greek empire impaired the monotheistic Jewish thought and severely compromised. It is our duty to revive the original spark of NESHAMAH a conduit between God and man. This transmission is awesome and it carries super delightful things, which are mine; and they are now passing on to you although in part. It all depends on how well you activate your NESHAMAH. It is you first who make it elated for your Heavenly Father.

[Malachi 4:7] “Return to Me (first), and I will return to you, (second)” says the LORD of hosts. “But you say, ‘How shall we return?’”

When you read the Ten Commandments from the last to the first you will stumble upon the Sabbath day as the seventh commandment. Isaiah knew of this delight well and so he said:

[Isaiah 58: 13-14] “If because of the Sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable, and honor it, desisting from your own ways, from seeking your own pleasure and speaking your own word, then you will take delight in the LORD, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; and I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

This riding upon high places are not physical at all, God causes them via the neshamah. But first one must decide to activate the delight in the Lord.

Encyclopedia Judaica
NESHAMAH YETERAH (Heb. נְשָׁמָה יְתֵרָה, "additional soul - Neshamah"), a popular belief that every Jew is given an additional soul from the entrance of each Sabbath until its termination. This belief originated with the story in the Talmud (Beẓah 16a): "Resh Lakish said, 'On the eve of the Sabbath, God gives man an additional (or enlarged) soul, and at the close of the Sabbath He withdraws it from him, for it says; "He ceased from work and rested," i.e., va-yinnafash (Ex. 31:17): once it (the Sabbath) ceased, the additional soul is lost.'"

I disagree with Talmud’s Resh Lakish. The Neshamah is never withdrawn, but goes to rest as it were, for by then it ceases transmitting, inspiring and communicating because by then a mundane living takes preeminence. One does not mix common things with holy/precious things. 

[Jeremiah 15:19] “(…) If you extract the precious from the worthless, you will become as My Mouth (spokesman).” 

The external things will eventually stop influencing us when we finally grasp the fact that the Father seeks worshipers who would worship Him spiritually and truthfully also; constantly; and not only on Sabbath. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth. We live because of the vivifying Spirit of Life. When our spirit and neshamah work together the holy elation is constant. You can fall into a deep sleep and yet this delightful elation goes on within. You experience it at night and upon waking up in the morning. (At least this is the case with me).  

God does not delight in your death or even being taken like Enoch or Elijah, but above all the transmission and the spreading of God’s Kingdom. Philip traveled ‘super fast’ because the task was great but a Philip-like people were too few, that is why God lavished on his family the spirit of prophecy, which passes through the neshamah.

[Acts 21:8-9] (…) Entering the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, we stayed with him. Now this man had four virgin daughters who were prophetesses.

[Psalms 37:4]  Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart.

No one else can speak of these delights to you but a Jew. God loves to uncover the hidden and then He hides it again, back and forth, but each time the vision becomes newer and clearer. This back and forth delights Him. To hide a Jew among goys was also His plan. Discovering the Neshamah in you is a discovery worthy of your fullest attention for you might be a lost sheep of the House of Israel but now found.

Finally. Self-nullification is of utmost importance. Your biological flesh clings to the same and seeks a self-definition. All matter perishes, but that happens because only the biological being attaches itself to. But if the spiritual contents take the lead in everything then biology or natural must conform to the Spirit. This willful detachment and translation of emotions into sublime thoughts divine transforms you into another being. Neshamah begins to tick like a clock and then transmutation begins to augment your perceptions. You actually begin to change.

Many of you are undergoing this transmutation already since we have met. It took a while, but the joy you have is undeniable and by this you know that the Father is in me and I in you for gradually the self ceases to play any role. This high elation will continue, for I am His disciple, you are mine, and we are led of the Spirit of God of whom we shall be born and become like wind. By then no one can place a finger on you, or drag you to some outdated religious cage of fools and idiots, and thus define you. You have the inner church going 24/7.

This was a free wisdom for today.    


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