, by brightlight

[Excerpt] Knowing God's judgment is greatly beneficial. God uses the appointed seasons to judge. One of those seasons is Rosh Hashanah. Those unfamiliar with Leviticus 23 should understand God's judgments, seasons of repentance and rejoicing. The Creator's clock never stopped ticking, is not late nor stops, or is too fast. 

[Excerpt] Man has a bug that makes him do all sorts of naughty things to the Truth. Conscientious and honest investigation of the Truth manifests the fruit of love. If we do not repent (Hebrew SHOOV, which means to turn back), get to the point of our deviation from the Truth; then the impending judgment will be wholly just. We already know the point of deviation; so let those who gave us errors turn in their graves. We do not build on man and his speculations. What matters is not the dead, regardless of their former hierarchical authority, within an organized religion, or rank of distinction. What matters is only the Truth. As an act of our love and care we should not brood in empty beliefs just because upon these the church was built. If we do not honestly show any affection for our Creator and His Truth, but instead hold on and therefore love the formulation of our own theology then the impending judgment will be indeed severe. God cannot judge ignorance. Nonetheless, ignorance does its own work of destruction because of sloth.

[Excerpt] When you understand the complete mission of Jesus for which He had to suffer so much; you will also understand why He rejoices. It pleases Him when His siblings bestow love and appreciation upon their brother Jesus who, so to speak, extended God’s family through His coming and His sacrifice. That’s what the Heavenly Father wanted.

[Excerpt] There will come a time when no malice will be found in you, no sin, no crookedness; because you will find it all utterly foolish and futile. You will keep your soul obedient to the knowledge you have received. All that follows is self-discipline. You do not battle nor combat the (external) enemy, for Satan is not your enemy, nor is he God’s; despite the way he’s been portrayed. After you have left Satan, or even the devil to God to deal with, you will concentrate on maturity. You do not waste time on nonexistent battles. Flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit; let your spirit win. By seeking peace and rest in your heavenly Father as His firstborn Son taught you; you are actually extinguishing any flaming darts. You actually bypass judgment and eventually arrive. The final arrival is this: by overcoming the things that bring retribution, judgment and death you arise (Isaiah 60:1-3); as if to say, you ride upon a high cloud. Retribution, judgment and death are below you while you are above. You have nothing to do with judgment for you have already now effectively dealt with it. This is the Truth, which now has been further amplified for you.


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